Mommy Makeover Boca Raton

The mommy makeover, or Dr. Giancarlo trademarked Mamacita Makeover, utilizes cosmetic surgery to undo the changes a woman's body undergoes during pregnancy and weight loss.. Some lucky new mothers are able to regain their pre-pregnancy bodies through diet and exercise, but for the vast majority of women, pregnancy causes changes that cannot be undone.

A tummy tuck can correct problems like separated muscles, loose skin, and stretch marks. breastfeeding can also lead to , loss of breast volum and sagging, so to address this there can be a variety of options to rejuvenate the breasts. To help mothers regain their pre-pregnancy bodies, a Mamacita Makeover combines many standard cosmetic operations.

Mamacita Makeover Inclusions

A mommy makeover can include a variety of different cosmetic surgery procedures. It all depends on the individual patient’s goals.

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

The BBL, or Brazilian butt lift, has grown in popularity in recent years. The idea is to use fat grafting to move mass to a more desirable location, hence improving butt composition.

In order to achieve the desired contours, BBLs frequently mix fat grafting and liposuction. This boosts size while decreasing overall fat content. Future progress can be maintained with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

A flat, toned stomach is a sign of a good physical shape. A tummy tuck, tailored to your specific needs, can permanently alter your abdominal profile for the better.

A stomach with an undesirable shape can be corrected during surgery by tightening the abdominal muscles and removing excess, sagging skin. This leaves the abdomen flatter and more toned than before.

Breast Augmentation/Lift/Reduction

There are many motivations for women to seek out breast surgery. Some seek a larger cup size so their breasts appear more natural in relation to their frame. Others seek to recover lost breast volume due to childbirth, breastfeeding, or significant weight loss. Others may wish to improve their breast symmetry after having undergone medical procedures that resulted in an unbalanced appearance.

Regardless of the reasoning, many include breast augmentations in their mamacita makeover packages. The process includes an incision and insertion of implants to improve the overall shape and size of the breasts.

Custom Options

If you are interested in a mommy makeover, talk to Dr. Giancarlo about these and other surgical options that could potentially be included in your custom solution. Liposuction, brachial lifts, thigh lifts, and plenty of other popular procedures can be discussed in finding the mamacita makeover that is perfect for you.

Mamacita Makeover Benefits

Most practically, a mamacita makeover allows you to save money by combining treatments. Getting a number of cosmetic procedures done at once will save you money compared to spreading them out over time.

You'll also save a ton of time recuperating, which is a nice bonus. If you get each cosmetic treatment done separately, you could be looking at a recovery time of several months. This entails missing work, arranging for relatives and friends to be available to help out, and putting up with the usual discomforts associated with getting back to normal after an illness or surgery. While a mommy makeover will require some time to recover from, it is a permanent option that will have you feeling confident in your new body in no time, and you will only have to deal with a single recovery period.

The most obvious advantage of a mommy makeover is the chance to look and feel amazing. A mommy makeover can help you feel like yourself again by giving you a more toned and stretchy figure. The process can not only give you a return to your former self, but can even enhance your pre-pregnancy physique.

Other benefits go behind physical appearance. Being a new mother can cause a variety of physical discomforts that don't always disappear once you are able to finally sleep again. Childbirth can have lasting impacts, such as weakened abdominal muscles or the effort to carry excess fat. Getting a mamacita makeover can make you feel and look years younger by relieving chronic discomfort.

Mamacita Makeover Recovery

The length and intensity of your recovery from a mommy makeover will be determined by the specific treatments you have done. Resuming normal activities after a mommy makeover may just take a few weeks if only minimal liposuction and a mini-abdominoplasty were performed.

Total recovery time may take anywhere from three to six months if you go for a combination of a full abdominoplasty, breast augmentation and lift, and a Brazilian butt lift. However, much of the recovery after the first month or so will simply be avoiding overly strenuous activity. It shouldn’t impact your day-to-day activity too much.

Your doctor will go over all of the procedures with you. Timelines often begin with a mandatory period of bed rest at the surgical facility lasting 24 hours. Your body goes through dramatic shifts in the first day, necessitating significant rest and recuperation.

After returning home, you may be able to walk within a week, though you may need to walk with a minor limp as your abdomen heals. After a few weeks, you should feel better enough to stop taking the prescription and get back to doing light activities. Light activity may be possible after 6 weeks, and full recovery should be achieved between 3 and 6 months.

Your visit with your surgeon will also cover other issues, such as the use of bandages and wraps, the avoidance of pressure on specific areas of the body, and the most beneficial sleeping postures.

Mamacita Makeover Candidacy

One must be done having children before undergoing the set of treatments that constitute a mommy makeover. Put off any surgical procedures until you know for sure that you are done having children. Transforming your body just to go through another pregnancy could come at a high cost and cause tearing of your abdominal wall (if you undergo an abdominoplasty).

If you've decided you are definitely done with having children, it's time to reward yourself. Now that you've achieved the miracle of giving birth, you should treat yourself to a dose of youth and confidence.

Mamacita Makeover Consultation

If you are interested in getting a Mamacita Makeover with Dr. Giancarlo, call today! We can go over the different procedures that can be included in your transformation, go over medical history, answer any questions or concerns you may have, and get you started on a path towards a youthful and aesthetic physique.